- First call for abstracts (for oral, poster, and topical discussion sessions)
NEW Deadline for abstract submission
Notification of acceptance to authors
NEW Deadline for early bird registration and registration of authors (including payment)
Revised abstract submission deadline (poster and oral presentations: 2 pages of text + 1 page of figures/tables, use the same template as for the 1st version of the abstract -https://www.lcafood2024.com/abstracts/abstracts-guidelines; topical discussion session: 3 pages, use the template sent to authors via e-mail)
End of late registration
LAST CALL ->Start walk-in registration until reaching capacity limit
Conference registration deadline
Book of abstracts available online
Visit to IRTA’s facilities
Alo Congress – VB Group
Numancia 73
08029 Barcelona - España
Phone: (+34)933 633 954
Queries: secretary@lcafood2024.com
Payments and invoices: invoices@lcafood2024.com